Rob spent the day with Lauren yesterday and I went up after work, which is our usual plan-of-attack. She looked better yesterday afternoon and I was excited to see that her vent settings had been decreased to 40% O2 with a PEEP of 12.0. Better!
This morning I spoke with Lauren's nurse and he said she had a relatively good night. Her nurse practitioner said the CXR (chest x-ray) looked better this morning. Hopefully they will be able to wean Lauren off the vent a little bit more today.
It's baby steps, but baby steps in the right direction. We had no news on Lauren's Mom (Susan) as of this morning.
Update, 1:39 PM: I'm working frantically to get this information out to the public and find someone that can help. I've contacted many local news stations and papers. I received an e-mail back from Kristen @ NBC13 and they have already Twittered the link to my blog about Lauren. Please keep the word going!!!
Update, 2:01 PM: We just received news that Lauren's Mom passed a short while ago.
If you want to know more about Lauren or help this family, please read this post.