I only got to see Lauren for a few minutes tonight, but she looked better! Her vent settings were still at 40% but the PEEP setting was down from 12.0 to 8.0. YAY!!!!
Otherwise, all her #'s look good. The only thing the nurse has been trying to keep in check is her blood sugar. They've started her tube feedings back, so sugars are running in the 300 - 400 range, even with insulin. Hopefully this will resolve itself in the next few days.
Please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming - they ARE making a difference.
I'm still working on finding a foster home for Lauren's fur-babies. I've had a good response from several rescue groups that are going to help get the word out. I will keep everybody updated on the latest. If you have any information that might help, please contact me as soon as possible.
P.S. I *totally* missed my 100th post the other day! Oops!
P.P.S. Rob has invaded my kitchen. It will never look the same.