2. Go into closet. Shut door. Scream. Feel a little silly for screaming in closet. Carry on.
3. Just give up and put your hair in a ponytail.
4. Throw caution to the wind and actually smile at a stranger.
5. Rub your own feet. Who needs a whipped boyfriend?
6. Kiss someone. Bonus points if they're over 83 or under three.
7. Have an orgasm, maybe two. (It's how he'd handle it, right?)
8. Catnap. Preferably with a cat (or a dog). [Ed. Note: Or three.]
9. Get off that weird fad diet immediately. It's wrecking your day ... and your metabolism!
10. Stop waiting for [whatever] to make you happy. You're in charge!
--By Kimberly Bonnell & Pamela Redmond Satran
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I rarely (if ever) buy magazines (sorry, Laura ... I know how disappointed you'd be!). I started glancing through this issue while I was waiting in line at Publix ("Price check on prune juice, Bob. Price check on prune juice.") and I was totally engrossed in checking out The 50 Most Glam Women of 2010.
On the last page I found this month's Glamour List. I highly recommend #2, #3, and #8. They work for me!!!