Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Fever

Samhain ("sow-en") is, without a doubt, my most favorite holiday of the year.  I'm the girl that starts planning my costume sometime around January and begins dreaming up the gory details for the night throughout the year (it's kind of A. BIG. DEAL.).  This year my plans are two-fold - I'll start the night over at C.'s house with my family and about 300 trick or treaters and then end up the night at The Greatest Halloween Bash Ever, hosted by my friends.

This year, we're planning for a medical / gory / slasher / zombie setup.  My cousin, A. will be the evil doctor and I'll be the assistant nurse who was attacked by zombies on her way to work. I ordered three costumes this year, just to make sure I had a good selection.  There was the original Zombie Nurse outfit:

Unfortunately, this costume didn't fit right, even though I really liked it.  Next up was Nurse Mercy:

This one didn't work at all.  You know, when you order a $29 costume, you should expect it to look like a $29 costume.  Not at all what I was going for.  Finally, there was the little costume that had quite a bit of potential:  

50's style Vintage Nurse
This ended up being the PERFECT costume.  I love the style of the dress and with a pair of scissors and some fake blood, I'll be be able to zombify the dress with ease.  I'm especially looking forward to playing with my hair and makeup (especially the eyes) to get the effect that I'm looking for.

18 days and counting...


Unknown said...

I love halloween too. My house is all decorated, but I don't have a costume planned out. Halloween is extra special to me because I met my now husband at a Halloween party. :)