Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend Wrapup

Just a quick post to update my exercise journal. I walked on the treadmill three times this week, for 30 minutes each. The first day I did a manual program, just to kind of get used to the new treadmill. The second two sessions, I successfully (almost!) completed Program 2. The only part of the program that I have difficulty with is when the speed jumps up to 4.0 mph. So far, I have only managed a slow run @ 4.0 for one minute each time. I did bump up the O2 to 4L/per minute, just to keep my oxygen levels in the low-mid 90's (89 - 94). I feel like I was able to work harder and wasn't quite so tired at the end. Of course, doing a Ventolin aerosol right before I worked out helped too!

On Saturday, I also added some strength training exercises to my routine. I completed two sets of crunches, wall push-ups, forward lunges, lying leg lifts, isometric shoulder work, and modified planks. My goal is to work back up to going an hour or more of yoga at least twice a week.

I also got about three hours of study time in Saturday afternoon. My grandfather helped me out with a few of the math problems that I repeatedly get stuck on (usually those with geometry), but unfortunately the section that I worked on yesterday didn't have a lot of geometry in it. But, we worked through about twenty or thirty other math problems. One thing I noticed is that we tended to try and make things harder than they actually were. The hardest thing about the GRE math questions is the phrasing. And I've discovered that I. HATE. QUANT COMP. PROBLEMS. Quant Comp = Quantitative Computations, for those of you not in the ETS know.

That's all folks. Catch ya on the flip side. Katey - glad you are out of the hospital!!!


Katey said...

You go girl! I 'm so proud! Keep up the good work. As soon as I get some energy back...I'll be doing the same thing..or at least that's my plan :)

See ya soon!