Apparently there was a contest (why didn't I know this???) and a completely adorable little nine-year old boy won. He got to tap dance on stage during the show. Jealous.
Also, there was audience participation in this show which is always fun. I wouldn't trade our season seats (second row in the mezzanine) for anything, but sometimes I think it would be really neat to sit down at stage level just to have the chance to participate in the show (I know, I know ... my chances are nil).

Dana has been singing the praises of Wicked for years (her husband arranged for her to see it in London ... again with the jealousy). This was the first opportunity I had to see it and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. And the soundtrack. (To which I was singing along to this morning -- quite loudly -- I am sure my neighbors enjoyed!).
The best part of this show was when Galinda (with a Ga) and Elphie did a little improvising during Popular. They got so tickled that the show stopped for a good two minutes while they (and the audience) were laughing.

It was a great adaptation and the acting by Suellen Wilkins as Mrs. Bennet was hysterical. She was the perfect pick for this part. The role of Elizabeth Bennet was played by Susan Cook and was - in a word - fantastic. The director is a co-worker of Angela which was how we found out about this little jewel. I loved this show.
And, finally, the Las Vegas spectacular:

Side note: There are box seats surrounding the stage at The Venetian. They are filled with wax figures dressed in period costume. However, should they ever discover they need a live stand-in, I'd be happy to oblige. I'd provide my own attire and they wouldn't even have to pay me. My aunt and cousin share my sentiments. That's how obsessed we are with Phantom.
However, with the good comes the bad. Being the Phantom elite (snob?) that I am, this was not my favorite production. As my aunt said, we would not want anybody to base their like or dislike of Phantom based on this single production. If you've seen the movie version of Phantom (2004) then you've seen this show.
On the side, Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, has not historically been a favorite of mine, but this part played by Andrew Ragone was very well done.
My favorite character? Meg.
What perfect timing. I'm finishing up this post as I listen to The Point of No Return by Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman from the original London cast.
Although I know Alex will never read this post, I'm hoping that Cheryl will eventually get around to it and will leave some comments. Hint, hint.
By the way, if you ever want to strike up a conversation with me, Broadway is the way to go. But fair warning, I could go on for DAYS.
Happiness! My aunt texted me yesterday to let me know that our season tickets for 2009 - 2010 are here!!!