Thursday, July 29, 2010


What a month it's been. I'm EXHAUSTED. And, I must admit, I am looking forward to a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. Since the end of June I've helped redecorate a kitchen, spent a long weekend in Virginia, hosted a pool party, and took a quick trip to Atlanta. Last week I spent the latter part of the week & the weekend with my family celebrating my cousin's graduation. In between, I've attended board meetings and birthday parties. And, lest I forget, I've worked at the real job. You know, the one that pays the bills.

I'm finishing up my first full month of Cayston. Great stuff. I'm almost three months out of a tune up (August 7) and still feeling decent. Not great, but decent. I truly am exhausted by the end of the day and typically go home and catch some zzz's before tackling any chores around the house. And, although the kittehs are enjoying the extra snuggle time, it's really cutting into the few hours I have each evening to get things accomplished.

About two weeks ago, we got an early start and headed over to the ATL.  We spent Saturday afternoon exploring Margaret Mitchell's apartment (affectionately referred to as "The Dump").  This is where she spent several years writing Gone With The Wind. Later that evening, we had a fabulous dinner at Nakato Japanese Restaurant and then journeyed over to the Fox Theatre to see Phantom of the Opera.

We had a few newbies with us, which is always fun.  I know that they enjoyed the show but I don't think they were quite as enthralled as my aunt, cousin & I are! According to my Playbill, this is the final season for the US Tour. It will still be showing in London, New York, and Las Vegas. What a tragedy! Actually, it just gives me that much more desire to get my tail over to England see a performance at Her Majesty's Theatre.

On Sunday we grabbed a quick breakfast at the hotel (cold cereal, anyone?) and then scurried over to the Georgia Aquarium. My favorite exhibit? The penguins, of course! Actually, all of the exhibits were fascinating and I really enjoyed seeing the beluga whales, the sea otters, and the sharks. They have a swim or dive program where you actually have the opportunity to swim with thousands of fish, sharks, and rays. It's a fairly shallow dive and I'm thinking about asking my Dr. if he thinks my lungs could handle it. I would love to learn how to scuba dive.

LA! That's all for now ... must get back to work so that I can pay the bills.

Oh, before I sign off, I'm ecstatic to hear that CysticGal finally got a new set of breathers.  At last report she was already off the vent and trying to talk.  Go Beth!!!