Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weekend Update

Wow, I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. I've finished up my first full week back at work and things have definitely been busy in the Compliance world. Fortunately I'm not doing any testing right now and I'm back to work writing and re-writing responses to the Federal Reserve and State Banking Dept. This week I had a case where a guy was asking us to try to find accounts that he had TWENTY-TWO years ago that were held with a bank that has since merged four times (most recently when State National and Compass came together in 2008). I also got to work on my first complaint dealing with Reg H (Flood).

This looks to be a fun, but busy, weekend. Last night Katey and I had dinner at The Melting Pot in Birmingham. It was the first time for both of us and it was really good. I think we had the "Signature for Two" meal which basically gave us a combo plate of chicken, teriyaki steak, filet mignon, white shrimp and tuna. Everything was really good except the tuna ... I don't think I was cooking it right because I just wasn't impressed. The mushroom caps with a cream cheese sauce were to die for! Both the cheese fondue and salad that I had were really, really good. I even went so far as to dip a (small) piece of Granny Smith apple in the cheese fondue and try it. Can't say much for the apple, but cheese makes everything taste better. =)

After dinner last night, I met up with Angela and Julie at Black Market Bar for a few drinks. Seriously, this place has the frostiest beers I have ever seen in my life and they were tres excellent, given how hot and muggy (it was still in the 90's) when I got there after nine. My highlight of the night was Angela's "lighter-on-a-leash."

I plan on hanging around the house most of today and then tonight I'll be meeting up with several of my friends in Alabaster to have dinner and then see Pride & Prejudice at South City Theatre. I'm really looking forward to it.

Tomorrow is Father's Day. I think I'm going to the Pancake House in 5 Points with Dad tomorrow morning and then Angela, Julie, Katey and I are going to enjoy the afternoon at the pool. Tomorrow night is still up in the air, I am trying to find out if we are doing something over at ND and Papa's house. Either way, there is so much going on this weekend that I am afraid it is going to go by far to fast!

Katey and I are also trying to concoct a plan so that we can fly to San Francisco and participate in the CFRI CF Conference. This year's conference is titled "The Power of New Possibilities: Growing Stronger and Living Longer with cystic fibrosis." One of our doctors is presenting and there are several sessions that look interesting. And I've never been to San Fran, so this would be a chance to see a new place. It's all going to hinge on whether or not I can get a couple of (unpaid) days off at the end of July. We shall see! I am really excited about the opportunity and have my fingers crossed that everything will work out.

Whew! This has turned into the little update that could. Sorry that it is so long and if you've made it this far, then CONGRATS.

Laters ~