Thursday, July 9, 2009


Exercise. So, I had the best intentions earlier this year, but sadly, I haven't followed through. I fell off the bandwagon after my sinus surgery and my attempts of late have been sporadic and half-hearted at best.

Until yesterday. When I stumbled on this article, while I was hard at work reading Cystic Gal's blog (on my lunch break, of course):

"Pole Dancing: The New Way To Get Fit (in Honiton)."

I had to share this tidbit of information with my friend, A. I immediately forwarded her the article, along with some pithy little comment.

Twelve e-mails (or so) later, I find myself and five of my closest friends signed up for an Exotic Pole class next Tuesday, July 14.

"Dear God, please don't let me break an ankle or fall on my head." This should be interesting (and entertaining).


Katey said...

Seriously???? and 10 of your friends???

bankrgrl said...

Well, four of 'em. I think (so far) it's me, Angela, Katie, Tiffany, Karissa. I'm going to look like a fool, but it should be entertaining. It's $35 for five classes, so not bad.

Cystic Gal said...

Hey! Thanks for the shout-out! I wish I could join you for one sexy pole dancing class! HA!

I'll make sure to refer to YOUR blog, on MY blog!


Unknown said...

That is awesome!!! I'm guessing we won't see any pictures :)


bankrgrl said...

@Cystic Gal - if you were anywhere near Birmingham, I'd invite you along. I'm ALWAYS about the more the merrier!

@Ronnie - Who knows! My friend, A. has a bit of obsession with taking pics - we've come home from many, many nights out with 200+ pics!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this will be a great deal of fun...someone I talk to with one of our providers (older than me) started out by taking one and now does it three times a week...says that it is terrific exercise and she has lost a lot of weight...guess I need to find one of those since I can't seem to do anything else. Let me know how it goes! Love you. Mom